Imogen Todd

CMS Simulation Study Infographic

I developed an infographic for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for a report about the effects of reduced nursing staff numbers on levels of patient care. I worked with the team who developed the computer simulation run to get the results in this study to develop and infographic that could communicate their process to healthcare professionals and government workers who may not be familiar with simulation studies. You can view the infographic in the pubished report here (in section 4).

Abt Associates

information design

an infographic using pictograms and scatterplots to explain how a computer simulation is run and how different numbers of nursing staff can affect the care that patients receive in nursing homes

The final infographic included in the report

an infographic showing colored squares to represent computer-generated simulation experiments

An initial iteration of the infographic

an infographic showing colored hexagons to represent care given to patients in nursing homes with different numbers of nursing staff

Another initial iteration of the infographic